Non User-Friendly Grading System Needs a Change
Midterm Schedule Changes Cause Frustration
Few topics have made it into this publication so often. Few topics have been so universally despised. Few deserve it so much.
Infinite Campus has yet again caused problems throughout the school.
A glitch in Infinite Campus’s system caused it to reassign students to different classes. According to the counselors, the program automatically changed numerous schedules in conjunction with what it determined would be best for student’s graduation requirements. While Infinite Campus serves its purpose in keeping schedules, grades and other records all consolidated, the constant problems caused by its lackluster user-interface does not justify its great cost to the district.
Displaced students must now adapt to new teachers, new lunch schedules, new class expectations and different classmates in the altered schedules. It puts the students under increased stress, and places greater strain on teachers who have to adjust to different students in their class. It’s a lose-lose situation for almost everyone, unless the student didn’t get along with their old teacher or classmates.
Back in the good old days of eSembler, entering grades was simple for teachers, and checking up on grades was easy for students. Now most students and parents don’t even bother with the hassle of trying to use Infinite Campus, which results in more e-mail communication between parents and teachers – taking up teacher’s prep time. The concise interface of eSembler outlined all the important information and kept classes cleanly organized for parents and teachers. Infinite Campus’s convoluted system makes the slightest change a chore – sometimes taking hours of teachers’ time.
The counselors are already working to correct the problem, and we applaud them for their efforts, but the administrators of the district should throw out ‘Infinite Chaos,’ and find another (more user-friendly) grading and scheduling system.