Sunday, April 18, 2010

"There were great promises about what Infinite Campus could deliver."

Infinite Campus Update
Switching to a new student information system is challenging in the best of circumstances. Our switch to Infinite Campus has been especially challenging. Since our two districts used different student data management software, the Department of Education forced us to change to the same system for all of RSU 13.  There were great promises about what Infinite Campus could deliver.  The choice we faced was either to switch to one of the former systems at a cost for the expanded license agreements and training for half of the district, or to switch to Infinite Campus at no cost for the license and cost for training all teachers.  The decision to move to Infinite Campus was based on the assurance of quality of this system, and on cost.

Quality has not measured up to the assurances. And we have spent a great deal more on training and overtime to fix the system than we were promised by the Department of Education.  To compound this, service is inferior to what either district experienced last year.This has delayed implementation of features many students and parents have come to rely on. District staff have worked hard to get issues corrected and important services implemented.

The parent portal for Infinite Campus for is now open.   Providing parents and students with timely information on academic progress is very important to us. We make every effort to get this information posted as quickly as we can.
Please see the school pages for a link to log in.  If you need your login Username or Password, please call the school.  We hope that you will review your child's information often and will use this system to help communicate with your child's teachers.
  -Dr. Judith Lucarelli, Superintendent


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