Hate it!
 08-28-2010, 04:28 AM | |
Run, run, run! We'v'e had IC two years now and we call it Infinite Crapus. It's horrible for flex grouping because it's a pain to change kids from class to class, when you get new students in you can't put them at the end of the list so it screws up your grades if you transfer from a hard copy gradebook. EVERY year we have to go in and do all this setup on Lessonplanner to allow it to do numeric grades and then we always get the "list". They send out a list of all the people who've done it wrong - of course there's no way of knowing if it's right or wrong until the "higher ups" actually start running the report cards. Last year I got a student in from Mexico after the first 9 weeks so of course there were no grades for her. At the end of the year they couldn't run the end of year grades without something in the spot for the first 9 weeks, so I was told to just make up something and put it there. This came from central office admin!!!!! READ MORE: http://www.proteacher.net/discussions/showthread.php?p=2012289 |
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